Ou Payroll Self Service

Ou Payroll Self Service - Employees without a direct deposit authorization on file will be required to access their wages through a paycard. Use this page to view and/or print your payroll earning statement. Changes made in the paycheck modeler are. Earnings statements provide detailed information about your pay, benefits, deductions, and leave accrual. You can find pdf versions of your earnings statements in. Human resources for the university of oklahoma. Serving faculty and staff in norman, oklahoma city, and tulsa campuses. Human resources for the university of oklahoma. Serving faculty and staff in norman, oklahoma city, and tulsa campuses. Using employee self service (updated 1/3/21) step action navigation: Employee self service 1 using center drop down menu in peoplesoft, select “employee self service”. Employees without a direct deposit authorization on file will be required to access their wages through a paycard. Use this page to view and/or print your payroll earning statement. Changes made in the paycheck modeler are. Earnings statements provide detailed information about your pay, benefits, deductions, and leave accrual. You can find pdf versions of your earnings statements in.

Employees without a direct deposit authorization on file will be required to access their wages through a paycard. Use this page to view and/or print your payroll earning statement. Changes made in the paycheck modeler are. Earnings statements provide detailed information about your pay, benefits, deductions, and leave accrual. You can find pdf versions of your earnings statements in.

Ou Payroll Self Service